It ain't necessarily so
Dalton Gata (1977, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba) obtuvo una Licenciatura en Diseño de Modas de la Escuela de Diseño de Altos del Chavón en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana en 2005. Trabajó varios años como diseñador, lanzando dos colecciones antes de volcarse por completo al arte. Su obra mezcla relaciones personales con cultura popular. Amantes, hallazgos de internet, música, moda, drag, criaturas fantásticas, diseño de interiores, amigxs y memoria, son algunos de los elementos que habitan su íntimo y fascinante imaginario.
Su trabajo se ha exhibido ampliamente en la República Dominicana y el caribe, incluyendo la 27 Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales de Santo Domingo, (2013); Galería Ramos Mederos (2014); Galería Lucy García (2015, 2016, 2017), y el Centro Cultural Español de Santo Domingo (2016), así como Embajada Gallery, San Juan (2018).
Gata vive y trabaja en Coamo, Puerto Rico.
Dalton Gata (b. 1977 in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba), graduated in 2005 from the Escuela de Diseño Altos del Chavón in Santo Domingo, DR with a BFA in Fashion Design. He worked as a designer producing two collections of his own before turning full time into art. His visual universe blends popular culture with personal relationships. Lovers, pets, internet findings, music, fashion, drag, interior design, fantastical creatures, friends and memory, are a few of the elements that inhabit his intimate and fascinating universe.
He has exhibited widely in the Dominican Republic and the caribbean including the 27th National Biennial of Visual Arts, Santo Domingo (2013), Ramos Mederos Gallery, Santo Domingo (2014), Lucy Garcia Gallery, Santo Domingo (2015, 2016, 2017), and the Spanish Cultural Center of Santo Domingo (2016), as well as Embajada Gallery, San Juan (2018).
Gata lives and works in Coamo, Puerto Rico.

General view of the exhibition.

Golden Figure, 2019
acrylic on canvas
50 x 40 cm
(19 x 15 inches)

Left to right: Man with a sphere on his head (2019) and Polo (2019).

Man with a horse, 2019
acrylic on canvas
139 x 259 cm
(55 x 102 inches)

Fatiga inexplicable, 2019
acrylic on canvas
127 x 127 cm
(50 x 50 inches)

Install view.

I am neither a man, nor a robot, 2019
acrylic on canvas
91.44 x 73.66 cm
(36 x 29 inches)

Ezra’s Jacket, 2019
acrylic on canvas
50 x 40 cm
(19 x 15 inches)